What's a Quooker Hot Tap and What are the Benefits? - Modern Homes

by Tina Riley
3 years ago

It’s often the simplest and seemingly most innocuous things in our home that we get excited about.

For instance, were you surprised by how satisfying it was to shut soft-close cabinets months after having them installed? And how you really appreciate them when you’re on holiday or at someone else’s house and you slam the doors shut by accident, every time! How about when your new carpet cleaner delivers just about the most rewarding, therapeutic experience imaginable during your spring clean?

What about the taps in your house? Do you get excited about them?

No? Well then you probably haven’t experienced a Quooker tap!


What is a Quooker tap?

Apart from having one of the best and most memorable product names ever, Quooker taps offer a headline feature which is, literally, game-changing for homeowners.

They deliver instant 100°C boiling water. All you have to do is twist the tap and watch as kettle-like water flows out. It really is that simple.

Obviously, it delivers standard cold and hot water, too, and it looks pretty much like any other tap. But that instant boiling water feature will be your favourite home feature.


Why is this so cool? (Well, hot?)

We appreciate you may not be able to fully realise the impact of a Quooker tap until you have one installed in your home, but the benefits are satisfyingly simple.

Think about how often you boil the kettle. Whether it’s to make your first cup of coffee in the morning, your hot chocolate before bed, or to get the pasta on the hob underway, it’s probably one of the most used devices in your house.

And when you have a baby you might use a lot of hot water with feeding and cleaning, too.

Now imagine how much time you’d shave off every day by simply turning a tap and immediately gaining access to boiling water. It really adds up; trust us!


It’s still a normal tap, and it is super safe

It’s worth reiterating that Quooker taps still operate as regular taps.

That means you’ll still have both cold and hot water, in addition to the boiling stuff. What’s more, you can even add the ability to pour instantly chilled water out of the tap, too.

But is it safe? It’s one of the most common questions we’re asked, understandably, about a tap that supplies instant boiling water.

Good news – it’s super safe. There’s a child-safe handle (you have to press it twice and turn it before boiling water will flow), and the water isn’t a solid stream. Instead, it’s made of fine drops that won’t immediately burn if you inadvertently place your hands under the boiling water (which is unlikely, and even if you do, you’ll quickly draw them away).

So, it’s a regular, safe tap with a superhero feature. What’s not to like?


Tell me more about the cold stuff!

Did we pique your interest with the mention of instantly chilled water above?

That’s no surprise – particularly if you’re reading this during the height of summer.

In our showroom, we have the Cube fusion, which features boiling water, along with regular hot and cold. But it also has two awesome optional extras.

Yes, that’s right – with the Cube option, a Quooker tap will also allow both filtered cold and filtered chilled sparkling water to flow!

Imagine having ice-cold, filtered water and chilled sparkling on tap, whenever you fancy it. Kitchen luxuries don’t come much better than that.

If you’d like to find out more about the Quooker instant hot water tap, just get in touch with the Modern Homes team, today.