A Typical Day in the Modern Homes Office in Leamington - Modern Homes

by Tina Riley
4 months ago

Welcome to Modern Homes, where every day is an adventure in creativity, problem-solving, and, of course, plenty of coffee!  

With 55 years of experience under our belts, you might think we have a “normal” day down to a science, but truth be told, no two days are alike in our busy but wonderful office  

The morning 

Our day kicks off bright and early at 8am as we greet our dedicated installers, who stop by to collect the tools and materials they’ll need for the day’s projects. This gives us a great chance to catch up on how each project is going and see if there are any issues that need addressing. 

Once the team is out the door, it’s time to dive into the heart of our operations; in other words, time to switch our computers on and start answering some emails! From managing accounts to placing orders with suppliers and checking inventory, this part of the day isn’t exactly glamorous, but it’s essential for keeping the gears turning smoothly.  

We tend to try and get this out of the way at the beginning of the day as it’s not the most exciting part of our lives, but HMRC and VAT are always necessary to run a successful company and our bookkeeper is fairly scary at the end of the month if we’re behind with these! 

 With this done, it’s hopefully onto the nicest part of the day which is dealing with our clients. Whether that’s an appointment in the showroom, a technical survey on-site, or rooms waiting to be designed, this is the creative part and the process we enjoy the most. 

The afternoon 

But in between these client interactions, our day is peppered with a flurry of activity—phone calls, WhatsApp messages, emails, deliveries, and visits from our reps. Sometimes, these interruptions bring news of unexpected challenges on-site, requiring us to drop everything and spring into action.  

Whether it’s resolving issues with missing or damaged products or troubleshooting unforeseen complications, we’re always ready to roll up our sleeves and find solutions that satisfy everyone involved. 

Despite our best intentions, lunch breaks often blur into the background. Today, for instance, Tina’s midday meal consisted of a hurried bowl of cereal at her desk. But hey, who needs a fancy spread when you’re knee-deep in creativity and problem-solving?  

End of day 

As the day winds down, Tina does make a valiant attempt to tidy up her desk—a task made more challenging by her tendency to spread out across multiple files and samples.  

But before you judge her cluttered workspace, remember the wise words of Albert Einstein: “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” Thomas Edison agreed with this statement, and both of them thrived amidst chaos. After all, a messy desk might just be a sign of genius in the making—or so Tina would like to believe! 

So, there you have it, a glimpse into the whirlwind that is a typical day at Modern Homes. From coffee-fuelled brainstorming sessions to impromptu problem-solving marathons, the only thing you can guarantee around here is that there’s never a dull moment in our office. And we wouldn’t have it any other way! 


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