Nothing Stops Us! Welcome to our Virtual Design Service… - Modern Homes

by Tina Riley
4 years ago

In line with current government guidance as of April 2020, Modern Homes has temporarily closed its showrooms. But but we’re still very much at work!

Like so many businesses, we’re using our home offices to ensure we can still provide our customers with the Modern Homes service they know and love.

Sure, we can’t come out and measure, design, and fit a kitchen or bathroom right now, but that doesn’t mean we have to down tools entirely. In fact, it’s given us the impetus to try out something unique and rather exciting.

Stuck (safely) at home? Still want to plan your kitchen? No problem!

If you’re currently self-isolating, social distancing, or simply have no desire to take the risks associated with stepping outside your front door at the moment, your dream of a new kitchen doesn’t have to end.

In fact, with more time on your hands, you’ve probably noticed a few home improvements that need doing. You might be frustrated that your kitchen isn’t how you want it to be, or your bathroom is looking jaded.

Now is the perfect time to start doing something with those dreams of a better living space. Whether it’s a new kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom that has kept you up at night, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve decided to open a virtual showroom, and we think it’ll be just the tonic if you have a home improvement you really want to make some progress on, COVID-19 or no COVID-19.

How does it work?

Like all Modern Homes appointments, our virtual design service starts with a completely free appointment.

This gives you the opportunity to have a one-to-one chat with us. You can tell us your requirements, desires, and must-haves, and ask any burning questions that are on the tip of your tongue.

We have all the tools needed in our home office to give you the answers and advice you need and can discuss either over the phone or vial email – whatever works best for you.

To get started, simply book your free design appointment by emailing

What we need from you

Because we can’t currently visit your home, there are a couple of things we need from you, but don’t worry; they’re super-easy to sort out.

We need:

  • measurements for the space you want renovating (see below tips for doing this); and
  • some photos of your current room (don’t worry if there’s clutter!).

You can take the photos with your smartphone or tablet – whatever’s easiest. The measurements and layout of the room we’ll see in the photos will form the basis of your design. They also enable us to create a to-scale 3D design of your new space.

How to measure your room

We’d normally do this for you, but the good news is that it’s pretty straightforward to measure the room yourself.

All we ask if that the measurements are sent over in millimetres and are as precise as possible. Although, don’t worry if you’re unsure; we can double check everything for you either over the phone or when it’s eventually safe to reinstate our full home visit service.

Here’s how to measure your room:

  1. Draw an outline of the room on a piece of A4 paper, including any doors, windows or breaks in the wall.
  2. Start in one corner and work your way around the room measuring the full length of each wall.
  3. Take measurements of the walls between openings, doors, windows and pillars.
  4. For windows and hatches, measure the height off the ground and the height of the window itself.
  5. Measure the floor to ceiling height.
  6. Make a note of where any stop taps, gas, or electrical meters, and water outlets are.
  7. Take a photo of the A4 paper and email it to us.

The tips above will work for bathrooms, too – just be sure to mark positions of services such as the current toilet position and soil pipe (usually the only item whose position cannot be moved).

Your Wishlist: let that imagination run riot!

See? Home-schooling doesn’t just have to be for the kids. We reckon you’ll enjoy the measuring process and, more importantly, the creation of your wish list.

We’d love to know what you want to see in the new space. And don’t hold back; go wild with your ideas, based on your style, budget and lifestyle. If you haven’t made any firm decisions, don’t worry – this is just a planning and ideas process. And it’s good fun! We’ll talk it all through with you during the call and help you nail the final design.

Once we have all the information we need, we’ll get to work creating the design for you. A no-obligation quote will follow after a few days, along with 3D images of the proposed space.

This is just the start of your new kitchen or bathroom. We won’t plan any further until you’re 100% happy with the new design.

So, let’s work together during this downtime while we’re all safely at home. Then, we’ll be ready to transform your home with you as soon as things get back to normal!

Stay safe and well.

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