How to choose the perfect bathroom or kitchen fitters for you - Modern Homes

by Tina Riley
6 years ago

So, you’ve made all the big decisions. Your layout, colour scheme, style… right down to the taps. But there’s one more important choice to make (except who gets to enjoy the first bath): Who are you going to trust to fit your Modern Homes bathroom or kitchen?

Everyone has someone they know, usually a friend of a friend, that would happily fit their kitchen or bathroom. They might even do mate’s rates. But there are risks associated with hiring separate fitters from your design and supply company – no matter how experienced they are, or how good the recommendations.

So, before you dig out the Yellow Pages or fire up Google, first consider the standard of the finish you expect, how quick and easy you’d like the process to be and whether you’re happy to fork out for extra days if there are any delays…

We’ve put together a few tips to help you make the best decision for you.

Make sure your fitters are experienced – with your products

Usually, when looking for a tradesperson or company, their years of experience are a key factor. However, the exclusivity of our kitchens and bathrooms demand specific experience with our products and layouts. Using a Modern Homes installation team guarantees the highest standard of finish and the lowest chance of hiccups along the way.

Our teams are made up of internal and recommended installers that fit Modern Homes interiors day in, day out. Not only does this guarantee exceptional quality (which you notice every time you step into the shower or close the cutlery drawer), but means there’s a handy talent pool of trusted fitters for us to select from at a moment’s notice.

Avoid juggling companies, by just hiring one

Often, contractors are skilled in one or two things – but not everything you need to install your entire room such as plumbing, masonry, flooring and tiling. This means you need a few different people to complete the work. It would also be up to you to co-ordinate multiple tradespeople on a daily basis, relay information between them, organise deliveries and deal with any unavailable contractors or unplanned time off. It can quickly become an unintentional full-time job!

This stressful project management is all taken off your hands when you use one installation company. Whenever you need an update on the progress of any aspect of the work, you only have one person to call. Not hundreds of emails to field or loads of people (and opinions) to co-ordinate. We also have daily update meetings with all our installers – internal and external – to ensure that your project runs smoothly from start to finish. So, all you need to do is sit back and let us create your new room. Easy.

Delays are annoying enough. Don’t pay for them as well

As you may already know, renovating a home can throw up all kinds of challenges and unexpected set-backs. But it’s hardly fair to charge you extra for any delays now, is it? Our installation quotes are all-inclusive. This means we won’t charge you any more if the work over-runs. Compared with an independent contractor, that could save you hundreds in costly day rates.

Another risk of using separate companies (or people) for your installation, who may well not have contingency plans for unplanned downtime, is your reliance on their timescales. If you’re working with an individual and their last job overruns, what will this mean for your project timescales? Or what if other people on your project are relying on that job to be completed before they can start? Or what about illness, injury or other personal reasons that could stop them coming to work?

We complete the vast majority of our installation projects on or before schedule, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t had our fair share of unavoidable complications – from staff sickness to van breakdowns and tool thefts. What matters is our ability to respond quickly, which we always can with our back-up of resources, large team and some fast logistics-shuffling back at head office!

Choose a team that already knows you, your home and your vision

We work closely with our customers right from the design stage. So by the installation stage, our team is well-acquainted with the plans, your vision and any little quirks of your home – like the backs of their hands. This has a number of benefits that combine to make the installation go as smoothly and as quickly as possible – and significantly reduce your anxiety! The risk of measurements being off is diminished for example and you’ll save a great deal of time in getting new contractors up to speed on the project. But perhaps most importantly, it means we can continue to advise you on any final decisions that could impact the planned look of your kitchen or bathroom.

Throughout this process, we also get to know you – what makes you tick and what ticks you off! Everyone likes to work in a different way and we learn and adapt to yours. This relationship is just as important in the final stages of your installation as it is at the beginning. Carrying out any major works in the home can be a disruptive and stressful experience, but we’re not just here to give you a gorgeous new room, we’re here to make the whole experience as hassle-free as possible.

So who will you choose to install your new kitchen or bathroom?

It’s clear that there are many advantages of using your design and supply company to fit your kitchen or bathroom. And often they are simply sensible contingency plans against a project that runs over time, incurs extra, unexpected costs and isn’t installed to your – and our – exacting standards.

If you’d like to ask us any questions about our installation – or indeed any of our services, do give us a call. Or if you’re still in the mood for some reading, take a look at our testimonials and see what past customers have said about us.