A Fridge isn’t JUST a Fridge Anymore… - Modern Homes

by Tina Riley
5 years ago

Once upon a time the fridge was a small cold box in the corner of your kitchen. It was used very practically – that’s where you store your food after all! But you didn’t really to pay much attention to it.

Things have changed since then. The once-humble fridge has become the focal point of a new kitchen design. Not only that, but the latest fridges are now full of high-tech features which help to preserve the natural flavour of your food, keeping it fresher for longer. They also have a heap of helpful functions you didn’t know you needed or wanted!

There are now many different designs to choose from, including free-standing and integrated fridges.

American style or side by side

As you’d expect, the American versions of fridges are much larger! Think of all those huge kitchens in American movies for an idea of what we mean.

This model offers plenty of storage for a modern family, especially if it has two doors that you can open at once. There’s so much room for storage, you won’t have to worry about running out of space. In addition to that, they usually come with ice makers and water dispensers, making your life more stress-free during the hot summer months and saving on buying water in plastic bottles.

French door style is back

Nowadays, more and more people are instead opting for the chic French-door style. This is when the fridge has double doors and two separate pull-out freezer doors below. It’s also a good choice as it marries style and functionality. Some French-door refrigerators can be finished with custom cabinet panels and hardware to match your cabinets. There’s no better way to seamlessly finish the look of your kitchen than with a custom cabinet refrigerator. You can even opt for a WiFi fridge! A Samsung fridge has touchscreen that keep track of family members, plays music, streams television shows, lets you see what’s inside your fridge via three cameras, and connects with other apps for even more functionality! In a fridge!

Wine cooler included

Are you someone who enjoys a glass or two of wine with your meal? Then you should make sure you can have this habit within your fridge too! Loads of different models offer a separate compartment with wine coolers included.

So what should you choose?

Before you make any decisions about your new household appliance, think hard about the needs of your family and the way you cook. If you use plenty of fresh ingredients, for example, then look for a larger capacity of fridge to freezer, like either a 70/30 or 60/40 split. If, on the other hand, you like to bulk cook at the start of the week and have all your meals prepared beforehand, you should look more towards an even split between fridge and freezer.

Also think about the way you’d like your door to look. Do you want to keep your eggs in there, or your milk? Do you like to have a large range of condiments and sauces in the door? Because different fridges have different designs on the inside too, and you should take that into consideration once you’re on the lookout for a new fridge.

Fridge interiors have been redesigned to optimise the space inside, which means you can be even more organised when you store your contents. And if you’re not sure how to store your ingredients, then you’re in luck: we wrote about it last month! [ADD LINK]

What technical specs to look for in your new fridge

As we mentioned, some fridges are so futuristic that you won’t believe you’re still in the 21st century when you see them!

If that’s not what you’re looking for, don’t worry. There are other types of technical features that are much easier to get hold of.

Since July 2012, all new fridge models must have a rating of A+ and above. To give you an indication of how efficient each model can be, remember that an A+++ appliance uses 50% less energy to run than an A+ model, ultimately saving you money on your electric bills. They may be a little more expensive initially, but they’re definitely worth it for the good of our environment.

Newer models have internal LED illumination, fast-freeze and fast-cool options. We love the fridges that helpfully beep to remind you when you accidentally leave the door open! Some models even come with integral anti-bacterial protection. How cool is that? (See what we did there?)

The new features are so interesting too! For instance, some fridges now include a ‘holiday’ option where the fridge section can be switched off while you are away, but it leaves the freezer running.

The compartments also have different temperatures so cheese, vegetables and deli products can be kept at their respective optimum temperatures. This in turn preserves taste, colour, and nutritional value.

If you only get to choose one feature, let it be this: frost-free! It will save you valuable time and effort in the long run. Who has time to be spending getting rid of the build-up of ice? Frost-free freezers prevent ice building up by automatically defrosting at regular intervals. This doesn’t take long, and the internal freezer temperature doesn’t change by more than two degrees, so your food is fine. Frost-free freezers don’t cause freezer burn, which occurs when food placed in the freezer isn’t wrapped properly, or kept frozen for a long time.

And last (but definitely not least), choose the colour

Many new models now come in a stunning array of colours to add a splash of individuality to your kitchen design. You don’t always have to opt for the white colour that every household seems to have. You can go for a fancier option and opt for dark grey, silver, or even black to match the surroundings.

While you’re at it, have you given much thought into how to paint your kitchen? Because we tell you all the benefits right here [LINK].

Choose a fridge that compliments you, your kitchen, and your home.

If you need any help making your decision then please do get in touch and we’ll be more than happy to help.

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